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of Terms

Sometimes, we may throw out jargon you aren’t familiar with, or that means something very specific to our platform. Here is a helpful guide to all things Two Degrees lingo.

1st Degree Connection

A direct connection between two members on the App, requiring mutual acceptance.  See also “Friend”.

2nd Degree Connection

An indirect connection between two members on the App, when each of those members has a Friend connection to a mutual third member.  See also “2D Member” or “Friend of Friend”.

Activity(ies) / Activity Feed

Actions by a Member or a Member’s Connections.  The Activity Feed is a chronological listing of Activities that relate to a Member or a Member’s Connections.

Application / App

The Two Degrees accommodation sharing application available at when logged in.  In the future, an app or application with a modifier will represent the application developed using Two Degrees Sharing, beyond the accommodation vertical. See also “Platform” and “Two Degrees Sharing”.


Member-provided image to represent the Member within the Platform.  See also “Profile Picture”.

Banner Image

Member-provide image which displays on the top section of the Member’s Profile Page.  See also “Cover Image”.


Any Stay Request confirmed by a Host, or reserved directly by a Host, which secures the partial or full use of a Property for a defined period of time by a Member.  See also “Reservation”.


An all-encompassing term to describe anyone or any group to whom a member might be connected.

Cover Image

Member-provide image which displays on the top section of the Member’s Profile Page.  See also “Banner Image”.


A direct connection between two members on the App, requiring mutual acceptance.  See also: “1st Degree Connection”.

Friend of Friend

An indirect connection between two members on the App, when each of those members has a Friend connection to a mutual third member.  See also “2nd Degree Connection”.


A subcategory of Members that is created within the Platform, organized around a common shared theme, interest or purpose. They may be private, invitation-only collections, or they may be public and available for joining by any Member.


The owner or register of any Property on the Platform. The Host has the sole ability to approve Stay Requests, reserve the Property, provide details about the Listing, and control the visibility of the Listing within the Two Degrees Community.

Invite / Invitation

Any offer to join the Platform by a Member or Platform Administrators, to individuals not currently Members.


Any accommodation or property submitted by a Host for review and use by his/her connections, based on Host-defined parameters.  See also “Property”.


Any registered user of the Two Degrees Application.


Currently, the Two Degrees accommodation sharing application available at when logged in.  In the future, a platform or platforms with a modifier will represent the application developed using Two Degrees Sharing, beyond the accommodation vertical.  See also “Application / App” and “Two Degrees Sharing”.

Profile / Profile Page

Member-provided details and/or photos about the Member, shared at the Member’s discretion with other Members.  Profile Page is the Member-specific page within the Platform which displays the Member-provided Profile details.

Profile Picture

Member-provided image to represent the Member within the Platform.  See also “Avatar”.


Any accommodation listing submitted by a Host for review and use by his/her connections, based on Host-defined parameters.  See also “Listing”.

Reservation Request

Any Stay Request confirmed by a Host, or reserved directly by a Host, which secures the partial or full use of a Property for a defined period of time by a Member.  See also “Booking”.


A general term for a period of time reserved for a particular Property. Commonly used to refer to a collection of reservations held by a Member “My Stays”, or to a specific request by a Member to reserve a Property “Stay Request”.  See also “Booking”.

Stay Request

A request submitted through the Platform by a Traveler, for the sole or shared use of a Property offered by a Host. A request remains a Stay Request until it is either confirmed, at which point it becomes a Booking, or denied by the Host for that Property.


Any Member who has submitted a Stay Request, has an active Booking, or is currently staying, or has in the past stayed, at any Listing by any Host on the Platform.  See also “Visitor”.

Two Degrees Sharing

The proprietary algorithms powering trust-based sharing developed and used by Two Degrees, Inc.


A Member that has a Booking for a specific Property, as referenced in relation to the Host of that Property. See also “Traveler”.